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carried them off and beyond the limits of this State. The leader of said colored soldiers, stated they were from "Fort Donaldson", and that said parties would be carried to Nashville. These persons were seized at a late hour at night and hurried off to the Cumberland River, placed upon a steamer going up said river.

Your petitioners state that they are the Grand Father and Uncle of said Jo Delawson, that they do not ask or seek that these parties shall escape trial, or punishment, if guilty, but they appeal to you as law abiding citizens, to interpose, and have these parties brought back and tried according to the constitution and laws of Kentucky. If citizens of Kentucky are to be thus kidnapped and forcibly carried off, then there is no security in Kentucky to the life, liberty, or property of citizens of this State. They humbly appeal to you as the Governor of Kentucky, having no other remedy, to interpose in behalf of these two men, and have them returned to this State, and turned over to the proper tribunals, that they may have a fair and impartial trial, and as in duty bound they will ever pray &c.

(Sigd) Richard his x mark Jones
(Sigd) John his x mark Jones

(Sigd) [[H.?]] Crews

Trigg County Sct.

Sworn to and acknowledged, before me this the 5th day of March 1866.

(Sigd) Thomas H. [[?]] J.P.

A true Copy
H. S. Brown
Capt. & A. A. Genl.