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Bureau F R & A.L
Russellsville Ky. Apl. 1/66
[[right margin]] Ansd 2. R 40 66 [[/right margin]]

Franklin Bleakney
1st Lt. 17th U.N.C. Infty
Clarksville Tenn - Sir,

  Having Reported to Maj Genl. CB. Fisk several outrages recently perpetrated by whites upon the persons of Freedmen in my district asking what is to be done - he directs me to call on you for a sufficient force, and arrest the guilty parties without delay- I therefore ask you according to instructions to send - or take a squad of your men and arrest the whole family of Benjamin Tully - also his overseer is the person who has charge of his labourers, and family - also all freedmen & women to use as evidence against the above parties the overseer is charged with beating the wife of a Colored Soldier to Death - also causing the deaths of her two children. the whipping was done under direction of Ben Tully & family- Trust you will deliver the prisoners to Allenville - where the case will be investigated [[illegible]]  US. Regulars and myself, do not let the prisoners know on what charge they are arrested for fear of any attempt to Rescue, please conduct every thing promptly and quietly - otherwise my life would not be worth a Farthing. Tully lives on the Clarksville Road four miles from Russellville. Allensville is about half way between Clarksville & Russellville - it will take three or four days in my