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April 4, 1940

Box P-566
330 W. 42 St.
New York, N.Y.

Dear Sir:

I read your advertisement in the April issue of "Aviation" and I am respectfully submitting my qualifications to you for a position as pilot.

I am thirty one years of age. I have 1200 hours of certified time in my log book of which about 500 hours is in cross country flying. I hold the following ratings:

(1) Class 1 and 2S land
(2) Instrument rating
(3) Re-rated Flight Instructor

My flying has been in both land and water type aircraft. At my most recent position I have been flying Stinsons, Model SR-9. I have done student instruction, charter work and aerial photography. At different times I have owned and maintained my own airplanes. My pilot's license was originally issued in 1932, and the number is 26,481. I also hold a third class Radio-Phone license number P-2-4974 issued June 21, 1938.

I am married, have no children. My wife is my sole dependent. 

At present I am employed in the Civilian Pilot Training Program giving student instruction.

I am desirous of making a change because I am looking for a steady position, something with an assured future. I am most interested in Charter and Airline work. I am quite capable of performing excellently.that type of service. Ifcan furnish references covering all phases of m[[strikethrough]]t[[/strikethrough]]y experiences. 

Very truly yours,

Michael A. Gitt
822 Park Avenue
Plainfield, New Jersey.