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Passengers Express Mail
Braniff Airways 
Great Lakes to the Gulf
Braniff Airways
The B Line
Dallas, Texas
Feb. 2nd Of 
Braniff's 12th Year
Love Field
Dallas, Texas

Mr. Michael A. Gitt,
822 Park Avenue, 
Plainfield, N. J.

Dear Mr. Gitt:
 Your letter of application for position as co-pilot to Mr. Luckey has been referred to me, and I am indeed sorry to inform you that we have no vacancies at present. Also, our age limit for co-pilots is 27 years. 

I would suggest that you contact American Airlines at the new North Beach Airport, New York City, as I understand they are in need of co-pilots. 
Very truly yours, 
R. C. Shrader
R. C. Shrader,
System Chief Pilot.