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May 20, 1940

Miss Belle Baruch, 
Bellefield Plantation, 
Georgetown, South Carolina. 

Dear Miss Baruch:

  I spoke to you at Hadley some time last December and you suggested that I contact you this Spring, when your Hanger was completed. 

  Now that Summer Flying is about to begin, I am writing to you regarding your possible need of a "personal pilot". 

  Since the last time I have seen you , I have applied for and received my Instrument Rating. As you probably know, I have 1300 accredited flying hours and have never had any crashes or anykind of mishaps. If you remember, Mr. Seward Johnson did quite a bit of flying with me last Summer and he seemed to like the way I handled his trips. 

  Obviously, there are advantages to having your own Pilot. Whenever you want to go somewhwre [[somewhere]] on the spur of the moment, you have but to order out your Airplane and "Personal Pilot" and off you go.Your trips need not be necessarily cut short because your"rented pilot" may be needed elsewhere at the moment. The expense of a "personal pilot" probably would not be any more than your present cost, in fact,you would be able to eliminate the cost of ferrying pilots around the country in Airlines. Your "Personal Pilot" would always be at hand. Your neighbors Mr. Walker-Inman, has tried "rented pilots service" in the past, but he now relies on his "Personal Pilot. 

  I trust that I will fully meet with your requirements for a Pilot and as such, will give me the utmost consideration. 

  I would greatly appreciate it if you will keep this letter"strictly confidential".

With kindest regards, 

Sincerely yours,
Michael A. Fitt
822 Park Ave.,
Plainfield, N.J.