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Johnston's Drive
Plainfield, N. J.
May 22, 1940

Mr. M. A. Gitt
822 Park Avenue
Plainfield, N. J.

Dear Mike:-

Please find enclosed the receipt in question for the payment made by you to me on May 4th. of $20.00 on account, leaving, as noted, a balance due me of $119.75.

As you know, the original agreement made between us and signed by you on January 18, 1940 called for a complete payment of this debt not later than three months from that date, or by April 18th of this year, "unless otherwise agreed between us." No such agreement exists.extending the time limit. You realize that I have not pushed you in any way on this matter, but events beyond my control have arisen and I find myself in need of this money. I will go further and say, frankly, had this difficulty not arisen, I should not have felt forced to call upon you at this time so urgently.

Personally, I don't feel that I am asking too much in view of the circumstances and feel that I can depend on you to fulfil[[strikethrough]]l[[/strikethrough]]l your obligation to me.

Thanking you in advance for your courtesy, I remain,

Very truly yours,

Rob't G, Jaekel.
Rob't G, Jaekel.