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June 11, 1940

Mr. W. Ellis,
Civil Aeronautics Authority,
Buffalo Airport, 
Buffalo, New York.

Dear Mr. Ellis:

I took the Civil Service Examination for Assistant Aeronautical Inspector in March of this year. I went down to see Mr. Lanter in Washington, to find out the result. It seems that I passed the written O.K., but in view of the fact that my total time was just over the minimum (1000 Hours) there was some doubt as to my ability as a pilot. My time when I filed my application was 1183 Hours. At present my time is over 1300 Hours.

Everybody in Washington wants to be helpful, but they all seem to be in such a rush of work, that nobody can do anything for me at the present time. It occurred to me that you would probably have a very good idea of just how good my flying ability really is, because you gave me my re-rating examination last October 11, 1939, and since we discussed the possibility of my employment by the C.A.A. as an inspector, at the time, and you seemed to be encouraging, I thought perhaps you might care to write to Mr. Lanter on my behalf. I believe a statement from you as to my qualifications as a pilot and ability as a possible inspector might go a long way towards helping me to secure such a position.

Since I have seen you last ,I have qualified for an Instrument Rating (Jan. 24, 1940). I offer this as further proof of my ability.

With many thanks for any consideration you may care to show me , and kindest regards, I am,

bVery truly yours, 

Michael A. Gitt 
822 Park Ave.
Plainfield, N.J.