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for mobilization assignments ashore or to engineer duty aboard district patrol craft.  Candidates must qualify under one or more of the following qualifications:

(a) Administrative experience in responsible positions;
(b) Qualified for duty on the shore end of the Naval Transportation Service;
(c) Qualified for duty in recruiting concentration camps, or at officers' schools;
(d) Qualified for duty in an administrative position at district headquarters, or elsewhere;
(e) Qualified for duty in a recruiting office;
(f) Qualified by hydrographic or oceanographic experience;
(g) Qualified as a specialist in such instruments as compasses, etc.;
(h) Holds pilot's license;
(i) Has had deep-sea yachting experience and who holds a deck officer's license.

The rank assigned an applicant will depend of his age, previous experience, prominence, and general qualifications for mobilization station to which he is to be assigned.  The rank must be appropriate to the duties to be performed.  The commandant will consider all the above factors in submitting his recommendation to the Bureau of Navigation.


(1) Engineer officers, class E-V (S) required to fill procurement quotas shall be appointed from the following sources:

(a) Graduate of the Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps.
(b) Graduate of the Naval Academy.
(c) Officers of other classes and qualified civilians.

(2) Candidates for appointment in this class are required to have a minimum of engineering experience as indicated below:

(a) A candidate for ensign shall be qualified by education or experience to practice his profession and shall have practiced his profession for at least 1 year.
(b) A candidate for lieutenant (junior grade) shall have been in active practice of his profession for at least 4 years and shall have shown progress.
(c) A candidate for lieutenant shall have been in active practice of his profession for at least 6 years and in responsible charge of important work for at least 1 year.
(d) A candidate for lieutenant commander shall have been in active practice of his profession for at least 10 years and in responsible charge of important work for at least 5 years.


(1) In addition to the general requirements for commission in the special service classes of the Naval Reserve, candidates for appointment in class A-V (S) are required to have had engineering or administrative experience in the aeronautical industry.

(2) The rank in which a candidate is commissioned will depend on age, his prominence in his field, and his experience.  It must be appropriate to this mobilization assignment.


(1) Appointments to commissioned grade of civil aviation pilots, including pilots of lighter-than-aircraft, may be made in class A-V (T) upon the recommendation of district commandants, within procurement quotas.  Applicants for appointment in class A-V (T) shall submit applications to the commanding officer of the nearest naval or Naval Reserve aviation activity of the naval district in which they reside, who will then forward the applications to the commandant of the district with his recommendation.

(2) In general, original appointments to commissioned grade in class A-V- (T), will be made in the grade of ensign, although in certain cases where the applicant possesses un usual qualifications, the Bureau may recommend appointment in the higher grades.  Appointments in this class will be based upon the professional, technical, and administrative attainments of applicant and his general experience in aeronautical pursuits, as indicated in the credentials submitted with his application.

(3) Class A-V (T) will be composed of licensed civilian pilots who possess the following minimum qualifications:

(a) Must be between the ages of 21 and 40 at time of original appointment.
(b) Must hold an effective commercial pilot's certificate issued by the Civil Aeronautics Authority.
(c) Must be physically and psychologically qualified to pilot naval aircraft and for appointment in the Naval Reserve.
(d) Must be actively engaged in the piloting of aircraft and must have had not less than 100 hours certified pilot time within the previous 12 months.
(e) Must occupy a position of trust and responsibility.
(f) Must possess at least 2 years of college credits or have sufficient background in the pursuit of his profession to have obtained the equivalent thereof.

(4) Previous military or naval experience is a desirable factor which will be taken into consideration.  The lack of this training, however, will not be considered disqualifying.

(5) Former aviators of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard, may, at the discretion of the Bureau, be commissioned in the same grade in class A-V (T) which they previously held in the above-named services, not above lieutenant commander, provided they hold commercial pilot's certificate of competency and are otherwise qualified as herein previously required.