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(6) Officers receiving appointment to commissioned grade in this class shall be required to remain licensed pilots in good standing and to perform a minimum of 100 hours flying time per year.

(7) Applications must show the following:
    (a) Certified statement of flight time as follows:
           (1) Total pilot time with types of aircraft.
           (2) Total pilot time during preceding 12 months, with types of aircraft.
    (b) Educational record—official transcript, high school and college.
    (c) Three letters of recommendation from business associates giving information relative to present occupation.
    (d) General résumé of flying experience, including experience in aerial navigation and radio communication; and any other information which may assist the Department in evaluation special qualifications. This résumé must be in the handwriting of the applicant.
    (e) Type of certificate of competency held, including number and date of expiration.


(1) No original appointments shall be made in class A-V (K) except of former naval aviators whose qualifications are such as to make them especially desirable. Officers of classes A-O and A-V (G) who fail to maintain their qualifications for class A-O or A-V (G) but who are otherwise especially desirable and qualified for ground duty or other aviation duty, may be transferred or assigned to class A-V (K).

(2) They may be transferred back to class A-O or A-V (G) upon reestablishing their qualifications for such transfer.

(3) Officers of class A-V (K) will be required to demonstrate their professional fitness for promotion or transfer to class A-O or A-V (G) by passing an examination similar to that required of officers of class A-O or A-V (G) by passing an examination similar to that required of officers of class A-O or A-V (G) except that officers of class A-V (K) being considered for promotion will not be required to meet the flight qualifications.


(1) This class is procured from communication experts in radio, but also includes officers qualified in telephone, telegraph, visual signalling, underwater sound, traffic, cable control, facsimile, television, cryptanalysis, etc.

(2) In addition to the general requirements applicable to all special service officers, the following will receive consideration in connection with applicants for appointments in this class:
    (a) Record of communication experience.
    (b) Membership in professional societies.
    (c) Special expert knowledge.
    (d) Civilian position and occupation.


(1) In addition to the general requirement for all Special Service officers, the acceptability of applicants for intelligence duty will be based on the degree to which they fulfil the special requirements for that duty.

(2) Applicants for appointment in class I-V (S) must agree to take such correspondence courses as will be necessary to fit them during peacetime, for their mobilization stations in time of national emergency. Officers after appointment are expected to accept peacetime assignments which involve purely voluntary cooperation and application in training programs, the success of which depends on self-initiative and a very high sense of loyalty. In addition it is expected that they will maintain a high degree of interest in naval intelligence and Naval Reserve matters during the entire time they hold their commissions. 

(3) Special instructions in regard to the requirements of this class are indicated on O.N.I. Form 1 (f) which each candidate is required to submit and subscribe to in duplicate. 
(4) Candidates for this class not only must have the qualifications common to all Reserves but also suitability for the several activities which are in general identified with:

(a) Broadness of outlook. 
(b) Familiarity with public events.
(c) Knowledge of international affairs and trends.
(d) Social understanding and easy contact.
(e) Imagination.
(f) Absolute reliability.
(g) Tact, force, enterprise, perseverance, highest loyalty. 
(h) An intellectual background suitable to the Service requirements.
(i) Versatility, adaptability. 
(j) Clear-cut Americanism.
(k) Technical, personal, or professional ability which supports one or more of the several activities involved. 
(l) Sobriety under severest strain.
(m) Unimpeachable record.