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Quotas to be trained will be filled from the following, and in the order of preference as listed:

(a) Graduates of Naval Reserve Officers' Training Corps units, who have been certified by the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, as eligible for commission in the Naval Reserve. 
(b) Those who have satisfactorily completed a course in aeronautical engineering at a recognized college or university. 
(c) Other graduates of recognized colleges or universities.
(d) Candidates who present a certificate signed by the registrar of a recognized college or university, showing satisfactory completion of one-half or more of the necessary credits leading to a degree which normally requires four years of work, and who also possess a mathematical education, which, as a minimum, shall cover a complete treatise as set forth in Robinson's "New Higher Arithmetic," Wentworth's "College Algebra," Wentworth's "Plane and Solid Geometry," plane trigonometry as set forth in Wentworth's "New Plane and Spherical Trigonometry," and Milliken and Gales' "Practical Physics," or in the other similar recognized standard textbooks of equivalent scope.
(e) Mature applicants who do not qualify under (a), (b), (c), or (d), but who have acquired substantially an equivalent education by other means; and whose experience, training and aptitude for the service are sufficiently outstanding to render them particularly desirable.

The Navy Department does not conduct examinations to determine the educational qualifications of applicants for flight training in the Naval Reserve.  Candidates are selected on the basis of their formal educational qualifications as evidenced by official transcripts of their high-school and college records.


Civilians and enlisted men of the Navy, Naval Reserve, Marine Corps, and Marine Corps Reserve, who meet the physical, moral, and educational requirements for selection are eligible for consideration.

Individuals who have previously completed the flight-training course in the Army and Navy schools are not eligible for appointment as aviation cadets, except that this shall not preclude from consideration enlisted pilots or ex-enlisted pilots of the Navy or Marine Corps, who may be otherwise qualified.  Individual who have failed the Army flight-training course are not eligible for flight training in the Naval Reserve.


Applications are reviewed by Naval Reserve Flight Selection Boards appointed by the commandants of the naval districts throughout the United States.  Candidates whose papers indicate reasonable probability of qualification under the instructions will be authorized to appear before the Board for personal interviews and physical examinations.  Final selection for the training is made by the Bureau of Navigation, Navy Department, from among those nominated by the commandants.

Civilian applicants must submit their application complete with require documentary data to the commandant of the naval district in which they reside, and not to the Navy Department.  Applications received directly in the Navy Department will in no case be acted upon, but will be returned to the sender for submission through the proper channels.

Application must be signed with the full legal name of applicant.

Applicants who are members of military organizations other than the Naval Militia will be required to effect their separation from such organizations prior to enlistment in the Naval Reserve for elimination flight training.


The training and active duty takes place in three phases:

(a) Preliminary flight training (first phase).——A selected applicant is enlisted as seaman, second class, V-5, in the United States Naval Reserve, and is ordered to 30 days' training duty at the nearest Naval Reserve aviation base.  During the course of this duty he is given preliminary flight instruction to determine his aptitude for flying and also is observed closely to determine his potential qualifications as an officer.  During this preliminary period, the student pilot is entitled to the pay and allowances of his rating.  Upon completion of this short period of training, if the individual appears to be good officer material and displays satisfactory aptitude for flying, he is recommended for appointment as aviation cadet.  If he fails, he is discharged form the Naval Reserve, or, at his own request, may be transferred to another class of the Naval Reserve for which qualified.
(b) Flight training at Pensacola (second phase).——Upon appointment, the aviation cadet is ordered to the United States Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Fla., where he receives flight training to qualify as a naval aviator.  If at any time during this period the student pilot fails in flight training, he is released from active duty and discharged from the Naval Reserve.
(c) Active duty with the fleet (third phase).——Upon successful completion of the flight training course at Pensacola, the aviation cadet is designated as a naval aviator and is commissioned an ensign in the Naval Reserve.  He may then, in the discretion of the Navy Department, provided his services are required, be ordered to active duty with the Aircraft Squadrons of the United States Fleet for the remainder of the period of required service; or, in case such duty is not authorized, he will be released from active duty and will be expected to associate himself with a naval reserve aviation base for voluntary training.