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                                           April 25, 1940 

Mr. Mitchell, Chief Pilot,
Canadian Colonial Airways, Inc.,
La Guardia Airport, N.Y, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Mitchell: 
               With the rush of Spring business starting, I thought perhaps you would be in the position to hire addittional pilots.
               I would like to inform you that I am available for immediate appointment for the position of First Officer. 

                                        Very truly yours,

                                         Michael A. Gitt
                                         822 Park Ave.,
                                         Plainfield, N.J.

This letter sent to Following

        Mr. J.H. Carmichael
        Pennsylvania: Central Airlines
        Allegheny County Airport
        Pittsburgh, Pa.        G.R. Cushing
                               Delta Air Corp.
        Mr. O.R. Haueter       Atlanta Municipal Ai rport
        Continental Airlines   Atlanta, Georgia
        Municipal Airport,     
        Denver, Colorado.

           Mr. RL Brown
           Mid_ Continent Airlines
           Municipal Airport
           Kansas City, Missouri

Transcription Notes:
There are check marks and various other penned in spelling corrections as well.