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May 9, 1940

Mr. George Mc Cabe,
Cheif-Pilot American Airlines,
La Guardia Airport,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Mr. Mc Cabe:

When you first interviewed me last November, you expressed a regret that I did not have sufficient formal education. You did admit after talking to me for a couple of hours, that I had a good background of general knowledge and Aviation, but you were sorry that because of my lack of formal education, you could not give me immediate employment.

However, about a week ago, I was asked by Dr. Frank Carvin, Dean of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Newark College of Engineering, to teach advanced Aviation Ground School next fall at his College.

I offer this information to you as a proof of my ability. I would also like to state, that if given an opportunity of employment by American Airlines, I would do my utmost to be a loyal and competent employee.

With kindest regards

Sincerely yours, 

Michael A. Gitt
822 Park Ave.,
Plainfield, N.J.