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May 9, 1940

Capt. Fred Smith,
Canadian Colonial Airways Inc.,
La Guardia Airport,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Fred:
Sometime in January I filed an application for employment as First Officer with Canadian Colonial Airways Inc.,. Mr. Mitchell accepted my application and told me that I would probably hear from him soon. I went to see him a week or two later and he informed me that therewas nothing doing at the time. He also said that my experience was the kind that he wants, and that my application was about on top of the pile on file.

Along about the middle of February, Floyd Valentine told me that he was leaving and he advisd me to see if I could get his job.I called mr. Mitchell on the telephone and he said that he was sorry,but that he had to replace Floyd with a man who had Airline experience, which he had done. I have seen Mr. Mitchell two or three times since, but I have not been able to connect with Canadian Colonial yet.

I thought perhaps a friend with the company,might give my cause a boost, therefore I am writing to you ,to ask you to put in a good word for me with Mr. Mitchell. I could sure use the job.As you probably know I am no longer with Unger Aircraft. (Dec.1, 1939). I am now working for George Viehman at Somerset Hills Airport, Basking Ridge, N&J., just doing a little student instruction in "Cubs."

Let me again say that I would greatly appreciate anything you can do for me.

With kindest regards,

Sincerely yours,

Michael A. Gitt
822 Park Ave.
Plainfield, N.J.