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  This maneuver should be practiced at various degrees of bank throughout the range from medium to vertical. These, if emphasis is placed on slow, smooth execution, will prove one of the most valuable of training maneuvers, particularly for the development of perfect coordination and the elimination of roughness on the controls or any tendency toward it. 
The practice of all the features of these turns, with the exception of the accuracy of turn required by the road or intersection, will be an extremely valuable means of utilizing the time spent in flying to and from practice areas, time which is usually wasted by the student in aimless and more or less straight and level flight. 


  Steep climbing turns are a maximum performance maneuver and are a preparation for the extension of their principles in the "lazy eight" and the "chandelle."
  Before introducing them, maximum climbs and steep turns should be reviewed separately. When this has been done, the steep climbing turn may be approached in either one of two ways. From the maximum climb start a shallow turn. It will be found that the angle of climb must be reduced since some speed and lift are lost in all turns and the steeper the turn the greater the loss. Therefore, as the turn is steepened the angle of climb will have to be reduced until in a steep turn the correct angle of climb will have been found. 
  This angle can be found similarity by starting with a steep turn and adding the climb, but the former method is favored because it will give the student a better example of the loss of lift and speed due to turning, and the proportionate reduction of the airplane's performance as the rate of turn is increased. 
  The practice of these may be confined to the learning of the proper angle of climb and the rate of the reduction of performance as the turn is steepened. The student should also be able to demonstrate that the attitude and the speed of the airplane in a maximum climb for a steep turn is fixed in his mind by being able to assume it from straight and level flight. As soon as this is done he is ready to be advanced to lazy eights and chandelles. 


  Instruction in steep gliding turns should be combined with the instruction in steep climbing turns for the sake of rapid progress and economy of time. 
  Steep gliding turns like steep climbing turns are a maximum performance maneuver combining two normal maneuvers. In executing them the performance possible to obtain from the airplane is reduced as a result of the combination. It is particularly important that the rate of reduction be thoroughly understood in the case of gliding turns since, in many instances, they are executed close to the ground. 
  In these too the maximum performance may be approached in two ways, but it is considered preferable to start with the normal glide and add the turn rather than vice versa because again the proportionate reduction of performance is demonstrated to better advantage.