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proper position of the nose, The ailerons must still be used in the original manner.

When the airplane rolls well past the inverted position the rudder is gradually neutralized and the elevators are used to hold the nose in the desired position while the rolling movement continues by full use of the ailerons. As this rolling continues the rudder is again eased to the side of its original application and gradually increased until level flight is reached.

The ailerons are maintained in full use in the direction of the roll throughout the maneuver, but as level flight is again reach efforts are relaxed and the relaxation timed so that no major readjustments are necessary. Care must be taken not to relax on the ailerons prematurely or the roll with stop too soon.

If the controls are properly applied and coordinated, this maneuver can be accomplished without slipping and, if enough power and speed

FIGURE 32. -- The slow or aileron roll.

are available, without loss of altitude when performed on the level. The elevators are used in the normal manner during a turn, up to approximately 45° of bank, or in order to maintain level flight. From this point they must be eased forward to prevent turning, until approximately the 45° point before being completely inverted, when they again are used to maintain the nose in level flight until approximately the 45° point past the inverted position. From here to approximately the 45° point from level flight they again are used to prevent turning, and from this point on to normal level flight position they must be eased back toward the pilot to maintain level flight. It must be remembered  that neither the elevator nor the rudder action suddenly changes at any of these points, the foregoing being an explanation of their principal purposes during the different phases of the maneuver. At any time except when level (either right side up or inverted) they must be coordinated