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February 3, 1941

Captain H.F. Mitchell
Canadian Colonial Airways
La Guardia Field 
New York, New York.

Dear Captain Mitchell; 

As you probably know, I hold an instructors rating. It is necessary for me to fly a minimum of ten hours every six months in order for me to keep this rating. If you have know objection, I would like to fly just enough to renew this rating every six months. The additional flying would be good practice in maintaining my flying skill.

I think that instructors rating is a valuable asset, and with your permission I would like very much to keep my present rating. I am sure that the little flying that I may do on my time off will not interfere with my work with Canadian Colonial Airways. 

Trusting that this request meets with your approval, I am, 

Sincerely yours, 

Michael A. Gitt.

Transcription Notes:
There is one part of this letter I am somewhat unsure of. I took my best guess and I believe that it is correct; however, it looks like it is overlaid with another layer of typed text of which I am unsure is the same as the other layer or not. I wasn't sure how to convey this layering properly either so I'm leaving it open for now.