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(b) Report to the tower when vacating any previously assigned flight level for a new assigned level.

(c) Report to the tower when leaving any assigned holding point.

(d) Report to the tower, on request, when making procedure turn for final approach. 

(e) Report to the tower, on request, when over range station on final approach. 

(f) Report to the tower, on request, when ground contact is established. 

Frequencies Guarded by the Pilot (underlined)

The pilot will guard the approach control (radio range voice channel) frequency after being cleared to the tower or after being cleared to a holding fix "until advised by the tower." All ground to aircraft communications from the tower will be accomplished on the voice channel of the range until the actual landing is accomplished. Immediately upon completing the landing, and preferably before the landing roll is completed, the pilot should tune to the tower local control frequency (278 kilocycles or other assigned frequency) for taxi instructions. 

 If the pilot desires to use the navigational feature only to assist in executing an instrument approach, after an approach has been authorized, he may filter out, or detune, the voice channel during his approach after so advising the tower. If the tower wishes to contact the pilot during this period, the tower will operate the "attention signal" (series of short dots on range frequency) to indicate to the pilot that urgent instructions follow, whereupon the pilot will tune in the voice frequency. It is thought that such instances will be rare, and the pilot will have, if desired, full advantage of the navigational feature of the range during final approach. 

All instructions to departing aircraft (taxi instructions, wind direction and velocity, time check, altimeter setting, runway number, airway traffic control clearance, take-off instructions, etc.) will be issued by the tower on local control frequency. 


Range Station Used as Holding Fix (underlined)

Assume that an Army aircraft, Call number ARMY 1234, receives the following clearance issued by an airway traffic control center:


