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To All Members  -2-  October 15, 1942

While on this part of the problem it might also be well to point out this law was not passed for the benefit of a certain few money-hungry pilots who, without any regard for the profession or its future, may see in its provisions a chance to make a few extra dollars.

The question has also come up, "Where does this law apply, and where doesn't it?" In the first place, it is a petty chiseling point to raise on the part of any air carrier, because the pilots agreed to increase their flying hours from 85 hours monthly to 100, voluntarily. Everyone knows that 85 hours is the peace-time standard for all air line pilots. Because of the war and the desire to help their country, they decided to fly up to 100 hours per month. Now we have certain chiseler-type officials, and of course, the ATA, who express their appreciation by starting to talk about interpretations. Again, this is traceable to company and ATA lawyers who, in my opinion, are paid for what they say, not for what they honestly think. I don't say this because I am on the other side of the fence; I say it because of their activities. A lawyer is either a shyster or he is something more complimentary. In any event, they earn their titles, and whether they are branded as shysters or great barristers, is decided by their performnces.

Getting back to what the law covers, it covers all operations within the States and all operations that cross state lines in interstate commerce before leaving the United States. However, that doesn't mean that pilots flying beyond the borders of the United States must fly more than 100 hours. One hundred hours is the monthly wartime maximum for air line pilots and it would apply wherever air line pilots fly. Any air line pilot who flies more than this is not carrying on in the best interests of his profession.

The following part of this law has also been terribly abused. Again, such abuse, in all probability, is chargeable to the ATA attorneys. This part reads as follows:

"Provided further, That the Board, in accordance with such procedure as it may prescribe, may authorize the maximum flying hours hereinabove provided for to be exceeded to the extent necessary [[underlined]] to complete a particular flight for military purposes." [[/underlined]]

This means exactly what it says and please notice the underlined part. This doesn't mean, because you have military cargo or personnel on board (neither of which are in any great rush), that you must even on a particular flight fly beyond your monthly 100-hour limit.

This act is purely a wartime measure and will go out of existence six months after secession of hostile futilities.

On August 17, 1942, the Central Executive Council discussed pilot violations of this measure, and Headquarters was instructed to bring the matter before the convention. Briefly, the action of the Central Executive Council amounted to recommending that any pilot, who wilfully and intentionally went beyond the 100-hour monthly flight time limitation, would be at the same time, subjecting himself to expulsion from the Air Line Pilots Association.


Transcription Notes:
I have included "Underlined" notation in this case because it is referred to in the following paragraph. Seems sensible to include it so that readers know what is being referred to.