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To All Members

[[underline]] in this election to preclude any possibility of having the authority of the elected group questioned by anyone at any time[[/underline]]

On the deadline date, all ballots will be counted. Those elected to the Local Executive Council will be notified of the fact and asked to meet at the earliest opportunity to elect one of their number (a first pilot) to act as Chairman, one to act as Vice-Chairman, and one copilot executive councilman as Senior Copilot Representative. (In instances where there is only one copilot on the Local Executive Council, it will not be necessary to elect a Senior Copilot Representative.) Following election of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Senior Copilot Representative, announcement of the 1942 Local Executive Council setup will be made to all members of your division.

The office of Vice-Chairman is the outgrowth of a suggestion made by Council No. 19, American Airlines, located at Ft. Worth, Texas. In supporting its suggestion, this Council pointed out that a Vice-Chairman could be elected at the same time the Chairman is elected, and that he could assist the Chairman and become familiar with the details of the work with the understanding that when the position of Chairman was vacated for some reason, there would be someone ready to take his place who would be familiar, at least in a measure, with the duties involved. This would be advantageous in that the Chairman would always be backed up by an experienced replacement.

Headquarters heartily concurred with this suggestion; however, it is felt that it would not be a good policy to bind the councils to elect the Vice-Chairman to the chairmanship if he proved undesirable as Vice-Chairman. Personally, I think the best way to handle it is just to regard him as the Vice-Chairman for the period for which he is elected, which will be for one year, the same as the other members of the Local Executive Council.

There is nothing in the By-Laws to prevent the designation of a Vice-Chairman when the Chairman is elected. All council Chairmen are free to organize their councils so as to make them as effective as possible, and for the purpose of creating a smoothly and effectively-operating local organization. 

The Vice-Chairman will have no power as such in so far as the national organization is concerned unless the By-Laws are changed, and likewise, he will not be able to act nationally for the local council unless the council first elects him to the chairmanship.

Any vacancies on the Local Executive Council, due to transfers, promotions, demotions, or other reasons, which may occur during the coming year, will be filled in accordance with Section 8 of Article IV of the By-Laws, which reads: "Vacancies in the Local Executive Council occurring between the annual elections shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term by a majority vote of the remaining Executive Councilmen."