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To All Members  -4-

Don't forget that it is essential to elect good, steady, straight-thinking leaders if your organization is to survive and continue to hold the very important position it has won for itself in the air transportation scheme of things.

The present Local Executive Councils should not cease to function while elections are in progress, but, on the contrary, should be active until the new Chairmen and Executive Councilmen have been "broken in" and can take over.

In the past the elections of Local Executive Councils have been, in many instances, a slow, laborious procedure. This was mainly due to the pilots not voting promptly. Let's really snap it up and get our 1942 council elections completed immediately. This can be done if each member executes his ballot promptly. Therefore, it is urged that you not lay the attached ballot aside. Execute it now and do your part to forestall needless delays.

Sincerely yours,


David L. Behncke, President