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[[7 columned table]]
|1-S| 2-S| 3-S| 4M| IMS| last|   |

|623:40|150:30|   |[[strikethrough]] co-182:26 To-364:52 [[\strikethrough]] Co-182:26 To-364:52 3:13|81:55|641:55| Total Time  1696:56  3:13|

|6 mo  |168:05  150:30|16:02|179:13  358:26  370:46  179:13|132:07  81:55|   |1693:43  1917:23  1693:43|

|6 mos |17:35  22:--  32:35| 16:02 |201:33 221:32  423:05  33:35  456:40  16:    472:40| 50:12 |   | 223:40  244:31  468:11| 

|   | 0-80  190:05  168:05  22--| 4M  592:18  370:46  221:32 |   |174:32  132:07  42:25|   |2161:54  1997:23  244:31|

|   |4M  3-5  0-80| Total 8:46:40  16:02  33:35  895:47|   | 203:06  16:02  17:35  236:43  4|   |   |

Transcription Notes:
Formatting may be different, there are a few question marks due to light writing