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To All Members   -8-   June 25, 1942

paid in the following manner and in the order hereinafter named.

1. If the pilot or copilot is married and was living with his wife at the time of the internment or becoming a prisoner of war, she shall receive said moneys until such time as the pilot or copilot shall otherwise direct.

2. If there is no wife as provided for in subsection (b) (1), then any child or children of the said pilot or copilot shall receive said moneys until such time as otherwise directed by the pilot or copilot.

3. If there are no persons entitled to receive the moneys under subsection (b) (1) and (2) hereof, then any dependent of the said pilot or copilot shall receive said moneys until such time as otherwise directed by the pilot or copilot.

4. If there are no persons entitled to receive the said moneys under subsection (b) (1), (2), or (3), of Section 13, the monthly salary shall be deposited each month with a reputable trust company or bank in the city where the Company's Headquarters are located, in the name of the pilot or copilot, to be paid to him at his order after being released. 

5. In the event the pilot or copilot who has been interned or who has become a prisoner of war does not return, the total amount of money thus accumulated in the said trust company or bank shall be paid as all other property of any deceased persons under the laws of the State in which the said pilot or copilot may have been a resident during his lifetime, but this shall not be done until all reasonable doubt has been exhausted as to the possibility of the return of the interned or prisoner of war.

"Sec. 14. In the event of death of a pilot or copilot in the employ of the Company on its ________ Division, or any pilot or copilot in the employ of the Company while flying as a pilot or copilot regularly, or part time, or as a student, or as a passenger, or while deadheading on the ____________ Division of the Company, the Company will pay the sum of $10,000.00 to any beneficiary designated by the pilot or copilot, or in the event no beneficiary is designated, then to the wife of the pilot if living with the pilot as husband and wife at the time of his death; or if no wife, then to any child or children, of the deceased pilot or copilot; or if neither wife nor children, then to any dependent of the pilot or copilot, or if none, then the money is to be distributed as any other intestate property of a deceased in the State in which the pilot or copilot is a resident at the time of his death. The $10,000.00 herein payable shall be in addition to any amount due to any pilot or copilot under any State compensation law or any wartime emergency laws that may be applicable in such cases, or