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To All Members   -9-   June 25, 1942

any other moneys or rights of action which the deceased or his beneficiary or heirs may be entitled to by virtue of any law.

"Sec. 15. This Supplemental Agreement shall be in full force and effect from the date of signing hereof, subject to the provisions of Section 38 of the Agreement, provided that in the event the War Department contract held by the Company for the operation of its _______ Division is terminated, this Supplemental Agreement shall likewise be cancellable by either the Company or the Association upon thirty days' advance written notice. All obligations which may have accrued while the contract was in full force and effect shall continue after such cancellation.
"It is further agreed by and between the Company and Association that the terms and conditions set forth in this Supplemental Agreement shall have no precedent-establishing effect whatsoever and is only made because of the war emergency.
"IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed this Supplemental Agreement this _____ day of June, 1942.

by _______
John Doe
Executive Vice President in 
Charge of Operations.

by _______
David L. Behncke
President of the Air Line Pilots 
Association, International."

There is some lack of interest on the part of a great many of the pilots who are engaged in these newly-projected operations. They seem to think that the other fellow will step forward and cause to be made the necessary revisions in their salaries, rules, and working conditions, and all they will have to do is sit back and reap the benefits. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you are flying on one of the operations in question and expect to have some changes made and included in the supplemental agreement, it is up to all of you to get in there and pitch with your chairmen, master chairman, and Headquarters. If you don't, a supplemental agreement is not going to be forthcoming.

We have also heard of some threats launched by certain operating officials against their pilots who are flying these new routes to the effect that these pilots had better take it and like it or they will find themselves in the Army, etc. I am told that certain of these officials even go so far as threatening to put pilots in the Army if