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To All Members             —15—              June 25, 1942

(e) Under the present regulations (section 21.253), in the event that an air line transport pilot certificate has expired and has not been validated in accordance with the provisions for renewal, he may have his certificate validated provided the flight tests appropriate to his rating are again satisfactorily accomplished. The pertinent sections above referred to are as follows:

'21.24 Duration. An air line transport pilot certificate, unless sooner suspended or revoked, will remain in force for 6 months.'

'21.250(a) 10 hours of solo flight time within the 6 months preceding expiration in aircraft of each type for which renewal is sought. To secure renewal for one or more airplane classes, 5 hours of solo flight time shall have been logged in airplanes of each such class without regard to horsepower rating. The solo flight time required in each airplane may be included in the 10 hours required for the endorsement of an airplane type of aircraft.'

'21.251(b) 5 hours of flying solely by instruments within the 6 months preceding the expiration date of the certificate. In lieu of 50% of the above requirement, applicant may show an equal or greater amount of practice under simulated conditions approved by the Administrator.'

'21.253 Reinstatement. In the event of an emergency which prevents renewal prior to expiration, and upon sowing thereof satisfactory to the Administrator, the applicant may have his air line transport pilot certificated validated in accordance with the provisions for renewal in [[?]]21.25, provided the flight tests appropriate to the rating are again satisfactorily accomplished. The date of application for reinstatement rather than expiration date of the certificate shall be controlling in applying [[?]]21.25. There shall be but one application for reinstatement following a given lapse.'

"2. Air line pilot competency maintenance. Provisions of the Civil Air Regulations setting forth recent experience requirements are as follows:

'61.561 Continuance of pilot competency. If, within any 90-day period, a first or second pilot has not made at least two take-offs and landings in scheduled air transportation in aircraft of a particular make and model, such person shall not thereafter serve or be employed to serve as a first or second pilot in aircraft of that make and model in such transportation without having made at least three take-offs and landings in such aircraft with one-half to three-fourths and landings in such aircrafts with one-half to three-fourths useful load, and, if he is to serve in such transportation at night, without having made at least one of the three take-offs and landings at night. No persons shall be carried during such three take-offs and landings other than personnel of