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To All Members  -18-  June 25, 1942
"At a session of the Civil Aeronautics Board held at its office in Washington, D.C., on the 28th day of June, 1942.
"Acting pursuant to sections 205 (a), 601, and 602 of the Civil Aeronautics Act of 1938, as amended, the Civil Aeronautics Board amends the Civil Air Regulations as follows:
"Effective December 7, 1941, Part 21 of the Civil Air Regulations is amended as follows:
"1. By amending section 21.24 to read as follows:
[[underline]] 21.24 Duration. [[/underline]] An air line transport pilot certificate shall be of 60 days' duration and, unless the holder thereof is otherwise notified by the Administrator within such period, it shall continue in effect thereafter, until otherwise specified by the Board, unless suspended or revoked.
"2. By striking sections 21.25, 21.250(a), and 21.251(b)and substituting in lieu thereof section 21.25 to read as follows:
[[underline]] 21.25 Expired certificates: special issuance. [[/underline]] The holder of an airline transport pilot certificate which has expired within the preceding 12 months, upon application, may obtain a new air line transport certificate and aircraft rating to pilot aircraft of the same type and with the same special rating theretofore held immediately prior to its expiration, by demonstrating to the satisfaction of the Administrator that he is qualified to hold the certificate and rating sought.
"3. By striking section 21.42 and substituting in lieu thereof section 21.42 to read as follows:
[[underline]] 21.42 Recent experience requirements. [[/underline]]
[[underline]] 21.421 Without passengers. [[/underline]] A certificated air line transport pilot who within the preceding 6 calendar months has not made and logged at least 3 take-offs and 3 landings to a full stop therein, accompanied by a certificated pilot of at least private grade holding an appropriate type, class and horsepower rating. 
[[underline]] 21.422 Passenger flight (day and night). [[/underline]] A certificated air line transport pilot shall not pilot an aircraft carrying any person other than the members of the crew thereof, certificated airmen carried in air carrier aircraft in furtherance of their official duties, or a certificated instructor rated for the air-