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To All Members             —19—              June 25, 1942

craft operated, unless within the preceding 3 calendar months he shall have made and logged at least 3 take-offs and landings to a full stop in an aircraft of the same type and class as that of the aircraft in which such person is carried. A certificated air line transport pilot shall not pilot such aircraft between sunset and sunrise unless he has made at least one of the 3 required take-offs and landings between sunset and sunrise. 

21.423 Instrument flight. A certificated air line transport pilot who within the preceding 6 calendar months has not flown and logged at least 2 hours of flight time solely by reference to instruments under either actual or properly simulated instrument flight conditions, shall not pilot an aircraft under such conditions until he has flown and logged at least 2 hours of such flight time accompanied by a certificated pilot of at least private grade holding an appropriate type, class and horsepower rating for the aircraft, and authorized to operate aircraft under instrument conditions.

"4. By adding a new section 21.444 to read as follows:

21.444 Reports. The holder of an air line transport pilot certificate shall furnish the authorized air line medical examiner of the Administrator a report setting forth the amount and type of his aeronautical experience and such other pertinent data as the Administrator may require since his last preceding report. 

"5. By amending the table of contents to conform to Items 2 and 3 of the amendment. 

"By the Civil Aeronautics Board:
Darwin Charles Brown


The foregoing quoted amendments have not yet been officially issued and cannot be considered official until this has been done by the Board. With that understanding I secured the advance copy you have just read.

If you have any comments, please forward them directly to Headquarters or have your chairman forward them, together with the comments of your entire council. These regulations are retroactive to December 7, 1941, which clears up all the messy situations that now exist relating to cancelled certificates, those that are up for renewal, pilots being located where they cannot renew their certificates, unavoidable lapse, and what have you. 

Please study very carefully the foregoing quoted new certificating amendments which created a new permanent air line transport pilot certificate. In other words, you now have a permanent air line transport pilot certificate and it is yours for all time and not for just six months. This change is a result of an ALPA proposal to freeze and make