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To All Members   -24-   June 25, 1942

There are many more things that I could talk about in which you probably would be interested but I must stop some time or this letter will get so long that it won't fit into an ordinary envelope. I hope everyone takes the time to read and study Headquarters' membership letters. It takes an awful lot of time to get one out and it's also an expense but it's certainly well worth-while, providing that these communications are carefully read and understood. Things are moving at a terrific pace, all of which requires that all members just not be members, but really get in there and pitch and keep pitching. In other words, everything is just about the same with your organization and there's nothing to worry about except that wartime ALPA is a highly-geared machine and everyone must become acclimated to this condition. A high-speed machine requires high-speed gears and all of our councils and members are such gears. Let's all keep working together, properly meshed, and the results will be highly satisfactory. If we find certain teeth of the gears missing and slipping, well, we all know what the result will be. It is doubly important during wartime that all Association duties and obligations be met  with prompt and effective action.

With kind regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
David L. Behneke 
David L. Behneke, President
