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e. Fuel consumption graph. - This graph (fig. 33) shows the relationship between the air speed and the fuel consumption.

[[image - line graph showing the relationship between fuel consumption and air speed]]
FIGURE 33. - Typical fuel consumption curve.

(1) At an air speed of 180 mph, the fuel consumption is _________ gallons/hour.

(2) At an air speed of 168 mph, the fuel consumption is _________ gallons/hour.

(3) If the fuel consumption is 53 gallons/hour, the air speed is _________ mph.

(4) If the fuel consumption is 39 gallons/hour, the air speed is _________ mph.

35. Examples of graphs. - a. The graphs that will be used and constructed will consist of a succession of points plotted with reference to coordinate axes and connected by a smooth line forming a straight line or a curve. The coordinates are obtained either from a formula or from empirical data (that obtained by observation).

b. Graphing from an equation. -(1) In algebraic work, various expressions suitable for graphing are employed, especially the equations. Consider the equation y-2x=5, or y=2x+5, and draw its graph. Since it is of the type ax+by=c (a, b, c some known constants), the graph of which is always a straight line, the graph of y=2x+5 should be a straight line. If a number, for example 3, is substituted for x in the quantity 2x+5, then the quantity 2x+5 (or y) takes on the value 11. In a similar manner, many more pairs of numbers can be obtained which satisfy the above equation. For example:


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