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food not atmosphere; in home and business his life follows a pattern of simplicity. 
His home is a bunaglow, which he owns, two blocks from ALPA headquarters on Chicago's South Side. His hobby is fussing with tools and working with wood and when he has the spare time he spends it puttering around his house. He would be the first to admit that his bungalow could use more spare time. Or, to put it in another way, it shows his lack of spare time. 
He has a few relaxations. On his vacations, irregular now, he likes to fish in the northern Wisconsin or Minnesota; more regularly, it is his custom to pile into his car with Mrs. Behncke and strike out for the country. When a spot is found, he parks the automobile and they go for a long hike together. That is his one form of exercise. 
He is more than moderate. He smokes but little-an occasional cigar-and as far as drinking goes he describes himself as "practically a teetotaler." But he adds that when it was the fashion for pilots to drink, he drank with the rest.
The Behnckes have two sons. David, Jr., is 17 and a senior in St. Rita High School where he is Captain of the football team. Sad to relate, David, Sr., hasn't seen his