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...By C.N Sayen

This is the story of ALPA-the "pilot's organization." It is also, in a large measure, the story of the air line piloting profession because ALPA and the profession, in growing together, have been virtually synonymous.

The "ALPA story" was compiled and edited by the ALPA Public Relations Department, primarily for the information of new members who will find it valuable in getting to know their organization. Many months of research and effort went into its publication. It is an attempt to give people just beginning participation in ALPA and the public some conception of the organization and its many activities.

The book is designed to answer those questions most frequently asked: What is ALPA? How and why was it formed? Is there a real need for it? What function does ALPA play in air safety? Who runs it? What does it do? How does it operate? What does it all mean to me, a pilot?

This publication is also available, upon request, to students, writers, researchers, or others desiring facts and data, conveniently assembled in one place, on the Air Line Pilots Association. They, like new members, should find it of great aid in answering those questions constantly asked about ALPA.

(printed signature) Clarence H Sayen
President, ALPA
