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table of contents

Foreward                                                           3
Motto                                                              4
Air Line Pilot's Code of Ethics                                    5

Section One-The History of ALPA

Early History of Air Line Pilots Association                       8
Recognition and Protection: How they were won                      10
Growth and Reorganization of ALPA                                  12

Section Two-The principles of ALPA

Aims and Scope of ALPA: Why it's a professional organization       14
Objectives of the Association                                      15
The ALPA Concept of Democratic Representation                      16

Section Three-The Structure of ALPA

Membership of ALPA                                                 18
ALPA's Regional Structure                                          19
ALPA's Governing Bodies                                            21
The Association's Officers                                         25
The Home Office Structure                                          26
ALPA's Organization for Safety                                     32

Section Four-Miscellaneous Facts on ALPA

Agreements: A Basic Function                                       36
Statutes Under Which ALPA Operates                                 38
Pilots' Financial Security                                         40
International Affiliations of ALPA                                 41
Pilot and the National Defense                                     42
ALPA Assistance to Other Crafts                                    42
ALPA Publications                                                  43
A Check List of Suggestions to Get the Most from your Organization 44


Home Office Lobby, 2; Emblem, 4; Historical, 8, 9, 10, 11; Membership Growth, 12; Rwetiorement Committee, 16; Flying Card, 18; Retired Member Card, 18; Washington Activities, 19; West Coast Office, 20; East Coast Office, 20; Executive Committee, 21; MEC Metting, 21; Organizational Chart, 22, 23, ; Convention, 24; Officers, 24, 25; Home Office Building, 26; Home Office Activities, 27, 28, 30, 31; Air Safety Activities, 41; National Defense, 42; ALPA Affiliates, 42; ALPA Publications, 43. 
