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alpa's regional structure

Embodied within the overall ALPA structure is the Regional Structure. ALPA's Regional Divisions, each of which has its own vice-president elected from within and by the membership of each division, operates further to preserve and insure the Local, System and Geographical identities of the various pilot groups.

The Regional Structure is determined geographically according to pilot population.

Region I
[[three columned table]]
| Location | Air Line | Council No. |

| Boston | Northeast | 9 |
| Boston | American | 6 |
| Boston | Eastern | 72 | 
| Boston | TWA | 41 | 
| New York | TWA (Domestic) | 2 | 
| New York | TWA (International) | 24
| New York | United | 52 |
| New York | Pan American | 36 | 
| New York | Capital | 64 | 
| New York | Colonial | 28 | 
| New York | American | 22 | 
| New York | Pan American | 17 |  
| New York | Eastern | 51 | 
| New York | New York Airlines | 123 | 
| Norfolk | Capital | 75 | 
| Newark | Flying Tigers | 99 | 
| Newark | United | 5
| Newark | TWA | 110 | 
| Ithaca | Mohawk | 90 | 
| Pittsburgh | Allegheny | 94 | 
| Syracuse | Colonial | 118 | 
| Cairo, Egypt | TWA | 63 | 
| London, England | Pan American | 101 | 
| Frankfurt, Germany | Pan American | 117 | 

Region II
[[three columned table]]
| Location | Air Line | Council No. |

| Nashville | American | 50 | 
| Charlotte | Eastern | 59 | 
| Atlanta | Eastern | 7 | 
| Atlanta | Southern | 112 | 
| Atlanta | Delta-C&S | 44 | 
| Jacksonville | National | 8 | 
| Miami | Panagra | 83 | 
| Miami | Delta-C&S | 71 | 
| Miami | Pan American | 10 | 
| Miami | National | 73 | 
| Miami | Eastern | 18 | 
| Miami | Riddle | 114 | 
| Fort Lauderdale | U.S. Airlines | 103 | 
| Memphis | Delta-C&S | 66 | 
| New Orleans | Eastern | 60 | 
| New Orleans | Capital | 88 | 
| New Orleans | Delta-C&S (Int'l) | 74 | 
| New Orleans | Delta-C&S | 48 | 
| Winston-Salem | Piedmont | 120 | 
| Wilmington, N. C. | Piedmont | 121
| Norfolk | Piedmont | 122
| Puerto Rico | Caribbean-Atlantic | 81 | 
| Rio de Janeiro, Brazil | Pan American | 37 | 
| Lima, Peru | Panagra | 38 | 

Region III
[[three columned table]]
| Location | Air Line | Council No. |

| Buffalo | American | 91 | 
| Buffalo | Capital | 95 | 
| Pittsburgh | Capital | 58 | 
| Cleveland | American | 40 | 
| Washington | Capital | 11 | 
| Washington | American | 93 | 
| Detroit | Capital | 32 | 
| Detroit | TWA | 84 | 
| Detroit | American | 92 | 
| Madison | North Central | 89 | 
| Indianapolis | Lake Central | 105 | 
| Chicago | Eastern | 76 | 
| Chicago | TWA | 25 | 

[[image - photograph]]
[[caption]] In Washington, pilots meet on nonstop waiver problem [[/caption]]


Transcription Notes:
Not sure if making a 3 columned table is what others did...but just in case, I made it into one