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[[image - photograph]]
[[caption]] In New York, pilots meet at East Coast Office on safety [[/caption]]

[[3 columned table]] (Cont.) Region III
|Location | Air Line | Council No. |

| Chicago | Capital | 20 | 
| Chicago | American | 39 |
| Chicago | Delta-C&S | 43 |
| Chicago | United | 12 |
| Chicago | Flying Tigers | 119 |
| St. Louis | Ozark | 106 | 
| Sioux City | Braniff | 104 |
| Minneapolis | Braniff | 46 |
| Minneapolis | Northwest | 1 |
| Minneapolis | Capital | 26 |
| Minneapolis | North Central | 96 |
| Salt Lake City | Frontier | 86 | 
| Salt Lake City | United | 14 | 
| Salt Lake City | Western | 23 |

[[3 columned table]]  Region IV
| Location | Air Line | Council No. |

| Kansas City | Braniff | 45 |
| Kansas City | TWA | 3 |
| Tulsa | American | 62 |
| Fort Worth | American | 19 | 
| Dallas | Braniff | 42 |
| Dallas | Pioneer | 49 |
| Fort Worth | Central | 102 | 
| Fort Worth | Delta-C&S | 47 |
| Houston | Pan American | 61 |
| Houston | Trans-Texas | 85 | 
| Denver | Frontier | 77 |
| Denver | Flying Tigers | 98 |
| Denver | United | 33 |
| Denver | Continental | 15 |
| Denver | Western | 21 |
| El Paso | Continental | 70 |
| Phoenix | Frontier | 100 |
| Las Vegas | Bonanza | 107 |
| Lima, Peru | Braniff | 53 |

[[3 columned table]]  Region V
| Location | Air Line | Council No. |

| Seattle | United | 27 |
| Seattle | Pan American | 55 |
| Seattle | Northwest | 54 |
| Seattle | West Coast | 82 |
| Seattle | Alaska | 67 |
| Seattle | Pacific-Northern | 109 |
| San Diego | Pacific-Southwest | 116 |
| San Francisco | TWA | 69 |
| San Francisco | Pan American | 56 |
| San Francisco | United | 34 |
| San Francisco | American | 87 |
| San Francisco | Southwest | 111 |
| Burbank | Flying Tigers | 97 |
| Los Angeles | United | 57 |
| Los Angeles | Western | 16 |
| Los Angeles | TWA | 4 |
| Los Angeles | American | 31 |
| Burbank | California-Central | 108 |
| Boise | West Coast | 78 |
| Portland | United | 115 |
| Anchorage | Alaska | 68 |
| Anchorage | Pacific-Northern | 79 |
| Honolulu | Trans-Pacific | 80 |
| Honolulu | Hawaiian | 65 |

The Air Line pilots association now operates two Regional Offices, each of which are, in reality, extensions of the Home Office and its services. These offices exist to give better and more efficient area representation for those pilots to whom direct Home Office service would result in inefficiency, useless traveling by Home Office personnel and poorer service to the membership. The regional Offices are in charge of a professional staff member plus the necessary stenographic assistance. Regional Vice-Presidents and other regional representatives utilize these Home Office "outposts."

The two present Regional Offices are located in New York at 60 E. 42nd Street and Los Angeles at 6216 W. Manchester Blvd.

Because of the profound effect of Federal Legislation on air line pilots and the necessity of constant liaison with federal aviation agencies, a permanent office is also maintained in Washington, D.C. It is located in the National Press Building. 

[[image - photograph]]
[[caption]] In Los Angeles, pilots hold West Coast agreement discussions [[/caption]]
