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alpa's governing bodies

Who governs ALPA? The pilots themselves through their elected governing bodies. In the final analysis, ALPA is really the all-encompassing name for each of the air lines represented on the Executive Board and the Board of Directors. Each air line maintains its identity through its Local Councils and Master Executive Council. Each governs itself, regardless of size; except where all air lines through the Constitution and By-Laws or policy actions have relinquished certain rights to the entire group for Administration to their mutual benefit. The authority and power of the Association is retained in the respective air lines by the membership, which voices its opinions through their elected representatives on the Local Councils and the Master Executive Councils.

Local Executive Councils...

Composition: Composed of the pilots of one air line at one specific domicile. A Local Executive Council may range in size from a small handful of pilots to a group of many hundreds.

Functions and powers: To elect officers which will represent the individual pilot through the entire progressive chain of representation; to conduct local meetings; to administer local activities.

Meetings: As often as required or deemed advisable at the discretion of local groups.

Master Executive Councils....

Composition: The Chairman and Senior Copilot Representative from each Local Council on any one air line.

Functions and powers: Conduct meetings and elect officers at the system, or, air line level; coordinate and administer problems of their air line system-wide; make final decision on matters affecting pilots of their air line only.

Meetings: No set meeting date, but must convene at least three times yearly.

The Executive Board...

Composition: The Master Executive Council Chairman and Senior Copilot Representative from each of the air lines in ALPA's total structure.

Functions and powers: It has the power and authority to control the Association, its general management and business affairs, subject to final review by the Board of Directors. It does not have the authority to change the By-Laws but can make such recommendations to the Board of Directors.

Meetings: Does not hold regular meetings; may be convened at any time, however, by the Association President, the Executive Committee, or, at the request of 30 per cent of the Board itself.

[[image - photograph]]
[[caption]] Above: meeting of Executive Committee. [[/caption]] 

[[image - photograph]]
[[caption]] Below EAL MEC meets [[/caption]]

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