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officers of the association

The ALPA governing bodies make policies. While these bodies retain legislative authority, they must, of necessity delegate the responsibility of administration and implementation.

Administration of ALPA...
The Association's structure proved that the supervision and administration of ALPA's affairs, when the Executive Board, Board of Directors, of Executive Committee is not in session, shall be under the direction of the president of the Association. There is also provision for a full-time Executive Vice-President. The office of First Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer are filled by active line pilots who performs their functions while flying for their respective air lines. There are five Regional Vice-Presidents.

Officers' Responsibilities...
The officers of the Association must:
Translate resolution of the Executive Board, Board of Directors, and Master Executive Councils, into specific administrative policies.
Provide for adequate staffing to carry out such policies.
Provide coordination between (38) different air line groups constituting ALPA.
Operate the Association honestly and efficiently.
Maintain the dignity of the organization.
Insure compliance with policies and laws of the Association by the membership.
Maintain proper relations with the general public and public agencies.

The Association President...
Duties: To manage and supervise the Association as its administrative and executive head.
How Chosen: By a majority vote of the delegates (Board of Directors) in attendance at a Convention.
Term of Office: Two years.

The First Vice-President...
Duties: To serve as a member of the Executive Committee and assist and function under the direction of the President in the discharge of his duties.
How Chosen: By a majority vote of the delegates in attendance at a Convention.
Term of Office: Two years.

The Executive Vice-President...
Duties: To assist the President in the discharge of the President's administrative functions.
How chosen: Selected by the President from a list of candidates nominated by Convention.
Term of Office: Until he vacates office or is replaced in accordance with the Constitution and By-Laws

The Association Secretary...
Duties: To serve as a member of the Executive Committee and Custodian of the Association records.
How Chosen: By a majority vote of the delegates (Board of Directors) in attendance at a Convention.
Term of Office: Two years.

The Association Treasurer...
Duties; To serve as a member of the Executive Committee and assume responsibility for the general financial and fiscal Administration of ALPA
How Chosen: By a majority vote of the delegates (Board of Directors) in attendance at a Convention.
Term of Office: Two years.

The Regional Vice-Presidents...
Duties: To serve as members of the Executive Committee; to represent the Association in their respective regions for the purpose of furthering and implementing the objectives and policies of the Board of Directors, Executive Board, and Executive Committee; also to assist the President.
How Chosen: By vote of the active membership in each of the five geographical Regions; with elections staggered so that one Region holds an election every six months.
Term of Office: Two and one-half years.

Treasurer, Roger D. Rae

Exec. V.P., Kay McMurray

Regional V.P.'s
Reg. I W. M. Masland
Reg. II J. P. Talton
Reg. III C. E. Beatley
Reg. IV L. R. Williams
Reg. V C. A. Peternell