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Executive Division ...

The Executive Division is composed of the Association Officers who have been charged by the membership to promote the interests of the air line piloting profession and to safeguard the rights, individually and collectively, of the Association members. Assisting the Executive Division are the other two.

Representative Division ...

The Representative Division is composed of the following departments whose duties and objectives are allied in purpose:

Employment Agreements: To establish fair rates of compensation, maximum hours of employment, and uniform principles of seniority for the air line piloting profession, and to seek the adoption and perpetuation thereof.
Legal and Conciliation: To represent and safeguard the legal rights, individually and collectively, of the Association members.
Engineering and Air Safety: To safeguard, with ceaseless vigilance, the safety of scheduled air transportation in recognition of the high degree of public trust, confidence and responsibility placed on the members of the Air Line Pilots Association.
Publicity and Public Relations: To maintain a well-informed membership and to keep the general public informed on Association and air line pilot activities. Edits and publishes ALPA publications - The Air Line Pilot, the News Bulletin, Technical Talk for Pilots, and sponsors an LEC and MEC Newsletter program.
Statistical and Research: To do basic research on pilot problems and to prepare and furnish Association representatives with data necessary for proper representation.
Washington Representative: To urge, support, and sponsor the passage of legislation and regulations which will improve, protect, and increase air safety and improve the working conditions and standards of air line pilots.
Regional Offices: To promote and co-ordinate liaison between system wide and Association wide activities.

Administration Division ...

The Administration division is composed of the "housekeeping" departments at the Home Office and serves the Executive and Representative divisions in relieving them from detail. These departments and their objectives are:
Council Co-ordination: To further inter-Association co-ordination and activities with the organization of additional airlines and Local Councils as necessary to promote the interests of the Association membership.
Accounting: To collect initiation fees, clues and assessments necessary to provide the funds with which to carry on the business and objectives of the Association, including the payment of all expenses, to implement fiscal policy and to establish an ample reserve fund for the current and future protection of its members.
Membership and Membership Records: To maintain the Association Records so as to show the membership status, individually and collectively, of all members.
Purchasing: To select and purchase all supplies and equipment necessary for Association administration.
Personnel: To interview, employ and supervise Association salaried personnel for all departments.
Mimeograph and Mailing: To mimeograph, collate, address and forward all correspondence so requested.

[[image - photograph]]
[[caption]] Viola Colby and Pres. C.N. Sayen [[/caption]]

Executive Division

[[image - photograph]]
[[caption]] . V.P. Kay McMurray and Jean Burns [[caption]]
