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pilots and the nat'l defense

One reason the government has taken such a strong and continued interest in the air line piloting profession is because of its strong relationship to the National Defense.  The ties that bind the air line pilots to the National Defense, both as civilian pilots and in their reserve officer capacities, is probably greater than for any other single profession.

ALPA Cooperation ...

There is no contravention of the fact that air line pilots comprise the greatest single reservoir of skilled, constantly-trained, readily-available, air transport personnel.  As the evolution of warfare has made our air power the first line of defense, the role of the air line pilot has become increasingly important.

Being cognizant of these factors, it has been the policy of ALPA to cooperate with the Federal Government and Defense Establishments in the interests of the National Defense whenever and wherever possible and to the degree and extent within the Association's power to do so.

[[image - photograph]]
[[caption]] ALSSA, and ALPA affiliate, holds its convention [[/caption]]

[[image - photograph]]
[[caption]] A National Defense role: commercial airlift to Korea [[/caption]]

assistance to other crafts

The Airline Pilots Association has long believed that the best interests of the pilots and the industry as a whole, can best be served by employees being represented by employee representing organizations, national in scope and devoted exclusively to the problems of air line employees.

For this reason, ALPA has promoted and sponsored the organization, growth, and development of organizations representing other crafts and classes organized along the lines of ALPA's structure, and affiliated with the Association.

Present Affiliates ...

These organizations are chartered by ALPA and are affiliated with ALPA as long as they fulfill the obligations of their charter.
Present ALPA-affiliated organizations are: Air Line Stewards and Stewardesses; Air Carrier Mechanics Association; Air Carrier Navigator's Association; Air Carrier Flight Engineers; Air Line Agents Association; Air Carrier Communication Operators Association.
