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The survey described in this report was conducted at the request of the National Research Council Committee on Aviation Psychology. The members of this committee contributed valuable suggestions at all stages of the project. The original planning of the survey was done by John C. Flanagan in cooperation with several members of the Committee on Aviation Psychology. The project was supervised by the writer, who is Director of the Aviation Branch of the American Institute for Research. Acknowledgments are due to the members of his staff for their wholehearted cooperation and effort. L.C Steckle contributed valuable assistance in contacting a number of the airline companies and in helping to organize the field activities during the early stages of the project. 

This survey would not have been possible without the cooperation of the airline pilots and Civil Aeronautics Administration Air Carrier Inspectors who generously furnished information based upon their first-hand experiences. Acknowledgment is made to the following airline companies with whom arrangements were made for examination of their personnel files or for interviewing their pilots:

American Airlines, Inc. 
Braniff Airways, Inc. 
Capital Airlines, Inc. 
Chicago and Southern Air Lines, Inc. 
Colonial Airlines, Inc. 
Continental Air Lines, Inc. 
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Mid-Continent Airlines, Inc.
Northeast Airlines, Inc. 
Northwest Airlines, Inc. 
Transcontinental and Western Air Lines, Inc. 
United Air Lines, Inc. 
Western Air Lines, Inc. 

Finally, acknowledgments are due to the group of field workers who collected the data for this study and the following men who supervised all of the work in the cities in which data were collected: 

Kenneth E. Clark        Minneapolis
E. B. Cobb.             Atlanta
John T. Cowles          San Antonio 
T. H Cutler             Denver
Philip H. DuBois        St. Louis 
Stanford C. Ericksen    Nashville
Edwin E. Ghiselli       San Francisco 
C.W. Brown               San Francisco
Nicholas Hobbs          New York 
Donald E. Super         New York 
Lloyd G. Humphreys      Seattle