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directs his efforts at encouraging responses to the questions.

Interviewers were instructed to begin the interview by informing the pilots of the following:

1. That the interviewer represents the A. I. R. which has been authorized by the C. A. A. to carry out this investigation, and that the project has been discussed with the Air Line Pilots Association, which has informed all council chairmen and officers of the project.

2. That the purpose of the study is to get as complete an understanding as possible of the job of airline pilots in order to determine what specific qualities and characteristics good airline pilots have which differentiate them from poor airline pilots.

3. That such an understanding is necessary in order later to determine fair and accurate ways of selecting and certifying airline pilots. 

4. That the investigators feel that pilots (or CAA examiners, check-pilots, etc.) are in an excellent position to give help on this problem.

5. That in this study we are not dealing with the individual pilot but only with pilots in general. Similarly we are not using the names of the particular persons contributing their opinions and ideas to this investigation. 

Interviewers were instructed to take notes during the interview, being cautioned that when interviewing is done in a field with which interviewers take insufficient notes and reply too heavily on their memory. It was suggested, too, that interviewers obtain some verbatim statements which they felt would make good examples to include in reports of the program. 

3. Establishing the Interviewing Program in the Field. Eighteen cities were selected as places for interviewing. These particular cities were selected because of both the availability of pilots and the availability of psychologists who could supervise the program at each locale. Each supervisor was assigned a quota of pilots to be interviewed based upon estimates of the number of pilots available in his city. Supervisors were asked to assume the responsibility for selecting and training interviewers. They were encouraged, however, to select men with experience in interviewing as well as some familiarity with flying. A large number of the interviewers fulfilled these requirements, although it became apparent that a few of them lacked either sufficient interviewing skill or familiarity with pilot jargon. A small number of interviewers were ex-pilots. Almost all of the interviewers were graduate students in psychology or related fields.  Supervisors were requested to ascertain that their interviewers became thoroughly familiar with the information prepared for them by the central office staff and the procedures for carrying out the program. Supervisors also were requested to conduct training sessions during which these matters were discussed. Supervisors were asked to have each interviewer conduct an early interview in the presence of either the supervisor or another interviewer, following which each would fill

Transcription Notes:
In number one the word authorized is written author-ized. Please confirm how it should be transcribed. Reviewer: The hyphen is just a sign that the word spans two lines. The transcription is correct Same with understanding in number 2 and determine in number 3.