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QUESTION #3: "In addition to these specific incidents which you have described, we are anxious to get your opinions on causes of unsafe airline flying in general. Obviously, there are a great number of causes, but I would like to hear what you feel are some of the most important. What are the important causes of unsafe airline flying?"

DESIRED INFORMATION: Specific information is necessary. For example, if the pilot mentions insufficient training, find out what part of training. If he mentions equipment, find out what equipment, etc.

QUESTION #4: "If you ran an airline and had the problem of keeping check on whether captains were doing a good job, how would you do it?"

QUESTION #5: "What characteristics, traits or abilities which differentiate the good airline captain from the poor are not being evaluated adequately by present methods of evaluation?"

QUESTION #6: "How would you change the present instrument check so that more of these desirable characteristics, traits, and abilities of the good airline pilot could be evaluated?"

QUESTION #7: "We are also interested in determining to what extent pilot fatigue may be a factor in airline accidents. Can you recall a situation where fatigue in any way might have contributed to an accident or a near accident? Would you describe that situation and tell me just what the pilot did as a result of his fatigue?"

DESIRED INFORMATION: 1. Type of airplane
                     2. Consecutive flying hours at time of incident
                     3. Overseas or domestic, day or night, long hop, or a flight with many stops, instrument or contact.

QUESTION #8: "I would like to get more of your ideas about this problem of fatigue. What causes pilot fatigue for the most part? What are important fatigue-producing factors in airline flying?"

QUESTION #9: "Well, I've asked you a lot of questions and you have given me some very good ideas. Now, perhaps you have something further to say on these problems which you haven't mentioned already. If you do, I would like very much to get some of your other ideas."