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get some verbatim statements which they feel would make good examples to include in reports of the program. Whenever verbatim statements are written in the "Interview Summary Forms," the interviewer should place such statements within quotation marks.

Interviewers will turn in both their interview notes and the "Interview Summary Forms" on each interview at the end of the day on which the interview was conducted. The job of tabulating and analyzing interview data will be facilitated greatly id, as soon as interview notes and summary reports are turned in, supervisors will forward them immediately to The American Institute of Research, Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh 10, Pennsylvania. Interview notes should be taken on 8 1/2 x 11" paper to insure a standard size for all notes.

5. Special Problems. It is impossible to foresee all problems which may confront an interview. Nevertheless, some problems almost always arise, and it is well for interviewers to have done some thinking about them beforehand. One of these problems is in regard to the length of the interviews. Several of the interviews for pilots and the interviews for the CAA examiners have been accomplished already. Their lengths varied from one to two hours, the average being around one hour and one-half. The length of the particular interview will depend upon many factors: the amount of time the interviewee can spare, his willingness to cooperate, the richness of his experience, and, of course, the skill of the interviewer. Probably the best interviews are obtained, however, when the interviewer informs the interviewee about how long the interview will take. Each interviewer will learn from experience about how long his interviews take and can use this as a standard. It follows, of course, that interviewers should not extend the sessions much beyond the amount of time decided upon. Rather, they should conduct the interviews in such a way as to complete the questions in the allotted time. 

Another problem is where to conduct the interview. This will depend for the most part upon the local situation. Because of the nature of the information