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The purpose of this question is to obtain examiners' and check pilots' opinions as to what differentiates the good airline pilots from the poor and unsafe airline pilots. It is expected that each examiner and check pilot particular things which he looks for and considers important in differentiating the good and poor pilots. A large number of these will give us clues as to the significant traits or characteristics to measure in selecting airline pilots.

Question #4
"If you ran an airline and had the problem of keeping check on whether captains were doing a good job, how would you do it?"
The purpose of this question is twofold: first, to obtain examiners and check pilots attitudes toward present methods of evaluating captains; secondly, to obtain their ideas for improving these methods. The question is worded in such a general way that the examiners and check pilots may express attitudes or opinions about various evaluation procedures.

Question #5
"What characteristics, traits or abilities which differentiate the good airline captain from the poor are not being evaluated adequately by present methods of evaluation?"
It is expected that this question might produce two things: first, it should tell us what characteristics, traits or abilities examiners and check pilots feel are possessed by the good airline captain; secondly, it should tell us if they feel these other characteristics, traits of abilities should be evaluated.