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who is under 49 in 1937, will not be entitled to anything at 65 under Social Security. If a man contributes from 25 to 35 under Social Security and gets the maximum creditable amount of $3000 for each of the 10 years, his primary insurance anuity at 65 would be $23.30 a month, as against $35 for that same segment of his pay under the pilot system, payable at ge 60 rather than 65.

Under the proposed pilots plan there are, of course, no contributions. I assume that this will be cleared up in the booklet and I will make one more comment on that point.

4. On all the considereations so far given to any kind of social security measures, Congress has always either passed substantially what the interested groups wanted or refused to do anything at all. It is inconceivable to me that there will be any different attitude in the case of the pilots. If there is a Pilot Retirement Bill enacted by Congress, it will be because the pilots have asked for it. In the unlikely event that the A.T.A. advocated a retirement system, different from that proposed by the pilots, Congress would either do nothing until the pilots and A.T.A. agreed on something or they would pass the pilots' bill. Even the 80th Congress would not be so politically insane as to pass a bill for the alleged benefit of one group, which is written by an opposing group.

More than that, all Congresses are jealous of their prerogatives. They enact laws which are compulsory and in which they have the final say, and no Congress has ever enacted a bill which becomes law on a contingency which is outside of Congressional control. Congress will not give to the air line pilots, or anyone else, the authority to nullify an action which it has taken. Of course, there is always some danger that Congress will put into the law something that the proponents do not like. But that is an inescapable risk which everyone who advocates legislation must take. If those who want legislation don't want to take that risk, they have in effect made a decision that they will not try legislation.