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Retirement Bill but, in accordance with the Ninth Convention Resolution, the Officers do not vote on the proposed bill. The Directors must vote to approve or disapprove the proposed bill a copy of which is included herewith prior to its presentation to Congress and to facilitate the Convention instructions it will be necessary to have your answers within twelve days after receipt of the enclosed copy of the proposed Retirement Bill. A voting record is enclosed for your convenience. If no answer is received by that time the Committee will consider that you approve the proposed bill as described. 

The Association and your Interim Retirement Committee needs all the friendly contacts in Congress that it is possible for the entire membership of the Association to aid in obtaining. Consequently, please mail to headquarters, attention Interim Retirement Committee, lists of personal friends or relatives in Congress. Your Retirement Committee will contact you later through headquarters as to the proper time for you to contact congressmen in order to aid favorable congressional action on this proposed Retirement Bill.

It is extremely urgent to have your take prompt action on the matters in this letter and in particular the attached ballot.

With good wishes I am
Sincerely Yours
Air Line Pilots Assoc
David Behncke
Pres A.L.P.A.