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7. Q. Suppose I want to retire on annuity at 50, even though I may not be disqualified. Can I do so?
A. You may retire as early as 50. If, however, you retire before
60 without having been disqualified to being totally and permanently
disabled, your annuity would be reduced.
8. Q. How much are the reductions?
A. The reductions are one one hundred eightieth of the annuity,
payable beginning at age 60, for each month by which you are
less than 60 when your annuity begins.

Retirement From Subsequent Job
9. Q. If I should remain in service after age 60 as an executive,
would I receive a larger annuity when I retire?
A. If you are receiving creditable compensation, your annuity
credits would continue to accrue as long as you worked, irrespective
of your age.
10. Q. How will I know whether my compensation is creditable or not?
A. It depends on whether your job includes duties as a pilot.
See Questions 84 and 85.
11. Q. Suppose the executive job I have is one in which my compensation
is not creditable, will my annuity increase because of
the service
A. No.
12. Q. If I am disqualified from serving as a pilot but am offered
a job by my employer, can I take the job and get the annuity too?
A. No. You cannot get an annuity and work for an air line employer too.