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determine the total remuneration creditable for survivor purposes. This total is the same as the total creditable compensation for retirement annuity purposes except that for survivor purposes there is normally no compensation creditable before 1948 (but see Question 40) and the maximum amount creditable in any one year is $9,000 instead of $12,000. (For the reasons for this difference in maximum creditable compensation see Question 78)

The second part of the first step is to count the number of months by which the total remuneration is to be divided. Since, in the usual case, the "average monthly remuneration" for survivor purposes is based on compensation paid after 1947, the months in the divisor will usually begin with January 1948. The months in the divisor are counted on an elapsed basis; that is, the divisor is the number of months after 1947 and before the calendar quarter in which the pilot dies, excluding (a) months in quarters before the pilot is 27 which were not quarters of coverage, and (b) months in quarters in any part of which a retirement annuity is payable to the pilot.

37. Q. Before you go any further, will you give some examples of average monthly remuneration creditable for survivor purposes? Suppose my compensation for the years 1948 through 1957 is the same as the example in question 24. What would be my average monthly remuneration if I should retire in the first quarter of 1958?
A. First, eliminate from the compensation any amount in excess of