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64. Q. What agency of the Government is responsible for collecting the tax? 
A. The Bureau of Internal Revenue. 

65. Q. Does the employer pay the taxes withheld from the pay of pilots to the Bureau of Internal Revenue as soon as collected? 
A. No. The Bureau of Internal Revenue is authorized to make regulations covering the collection of taxes. On all employment taxes at the present time the Bureau requires employers to make quarterly returns of taxes, both of those withheld from the pay of pilots and those levied on employers themselves on the basis of their pilot payrolls. 

66. Q. Would the 10 per cent taxes for the pilot's retirement system be in addition to those which the airline companies and pilots now pay for the old age insurance provisions under Social Security? 
A. Yes. 

67. Q. If I quit my job as an Air Line pilot, will the taxes I may pay under the Air Line Pilot's Retirement Contributions Act be refunded to me? 
A. No. if you leave you will retain rights to an annuity under the Air Line Pilots' Retirement System (see question 6, 13 and 14) and, under certain circumstances, your survivors will be entitled to annuities in case of your death, either before or after your annuity begins (see questions 29 to 34).