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of my pay under this company plan. Will the company plan be continued if the Pilots' System is established?

A. There is nothing in the proposed Air Line Pilots' Retirement Act which would require an air line company to continue or discontinue or modify or refrain from modifying a retirement system; on the contrary, there is a specific provision that nothing in the act is to be construed as restricting payments of annuities, pensions or lump sums or as terminating any arrangement created for that purpose. The air line company will be quite as free to continue, modify, terminate or amend its plan as it would be without a Pilots' System in operation.


80. Q. What is a pilot? (1)

A. A pilot is an individual (1) who is in the service of an employer and subject to the continuing authority of the employer to supervise and direct the manner of rendition of his service; (2) who has duties which include either the command of aircraft while under way, or the responsibility for the manipulation of or the manipulation of flight controls of aircraft while under way, including take-off and landing of such aircraft, or assistance in or relief to the individual responsible for such manipulation of flight controls; and (3) who holds a certificate issued by the Administrator of Civil Aeronautics, pursuant to the Civil Air Regulations of the Civil Aeronautics Board, authorizing him to serve as a pilot in scheduled air transportation.

81. Q. What is an employer? (2)