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(e) The term "years of service" shall mean the number of years an individual shall have rendered service as a pilot to one or more employers for compensation or received remuneration for time lost as a pilot. With respect to an individual who rendered not less than twelve months of service to an employer prior to January 1, 1951, there shall be included in his years of service, for the purpose of determining (i) a retirement annuity pursuant to section 3 and (ii) the number of quarters of coverage pursuant to section 4, the number of months in any part of which such individual served in the active military or naval service of the United States in the period beginning September 1, 1939 and ending December 31, 1946, provided that the conditions of discharge or release from such military or naval service were other than dishonorable. PROVIDED HOWEVER, That no calendar month shall be counted as more than one month of service. Twelve calendar months, consecutive or otherwise, in each of which a pilot rendered service to an employer, or received compensation for time lost, or, under the conditions specified in this subsection, was in the active military or naval service of the United States, shall constitute a year of service. Each month of service in excess of a multiple of 12 shall be counted as .0833 years.

(f) The term "retirement annuity" or the term "survivor annuity" shall mean a monthly sum which is payable on the first day of each calendar month for the accrual during the preceding calendar month.

(g) The term "compensation" shall mean all remuneration paid to an individual for services rendered as a pilot to one or more employers, including the cash value of all remuneration paid in any medium other than cash; except that such term shall not include --