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4. The Board shall establish and promulgate rules and regulation to provide for the adjustment of all controversial matters arising in the administration of such Act, with power as a board or through any member or designated subordinate thereof, to re-quire and compel the attendance of witnesses, administer oaths, take testimony, and make all necessary investigations in any matter involving annuities or other payments and shall maintain such offices, provide such equipment, furnishings, supplies, services, and facilities, and employ such individuals and pro-vide for their compensation and expenses as may be necessary for the proper discharge of its functions. All rules, regulations, or decisions of the Board shall require the approval of at least two members, except as provided in subsection (b) of this section and they shall be entered up on the records of the Board, which shall be public record. Notice of a decision of the Board, or of an employee thereof, shall be communicated to the applicant in writing within thirty days after such decision shall have been made. The board shall gather, keep, compile, and pub-lish in convenient form such records and data as may be necessary to assure proper administration of such Acts. The Board shall have power to require all employers and pilots and any officer, board, commission, or other agency of the United States to furnish such information and records as shall be necessary for the administration of such Act. The several district courts of the United States and the District Court of the United States for the District of Columbia shall have jurisdiction upon suit by the